New Life New Chapter formerly New Beginning Ministry

New Life New Chapter formerly New Beginning Ministry

 Centralia , Il


  Ezra Stage on Saturday at 9:00AM

We are the the New Beginning Ministry out of Centralia Illinois
We go to parks and nursing and held concerts at the Leaders home until last oct a house fire happened it was a total loss all the equipment was destroyed God is slowing bringing back what was lost along with 6 dogs and 10 birds its been very hard but our Faith and love for God has pulled us through.We loving sharing our love For Him we go to the nursing homes and bring joy to elders we dance and sing and worship we are not about self fame or fortune we are about gaining souls for His Kingdom we stand on the promises of Him coming Again if we can touch even 1 person and bring them to Jesus then we are doing want God called us to do.We love to worship and dance just fall into His Presence. The Group is ran by Andrea Cisco keyboards is played by her son Wryhan 28 Drums and guitar are played by her 19 yr old son Wryteous Soundcheck and soundboard is done by her son Shantae alot of songs are written by her son Dokie 39 and her 2 daughters Awesome 23 And Angel 21 my 3 daughters Stephani 17.Kylee 16 Lil Sarey 14 Do back up singing and self choreography Praise dances and there is Annie 61 and me 49 we all just love God and enjoy seeing others worship laugh and just have a good time in Him.

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