Christy Hoagland

Christy Hoagland

  Coffee House Stage on Saturday at 1:00PM

Christy Hoagland is a singer, songwriter and worship leader. She has a Certificate in Worship Ministry from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and has had the opportunity to lead worship in jails, prisons, conferences, church services, revivals and more. Christy began writing music in 2016 using the Word of God. Many of her own songs have come from personal experiences and lessons the Lord has taught her, this coupled with scripture has created songs that have often spoken into the lives of listeners. Christy’s desire is to point others to the Gospel of Jesus and exalt Him in song. These days you can find Christy leading worship on Wednesday nights "Freedom Night" at The Church of Living Water, at various other events and services and serving on the worship team at her church.

Christy is currently on tour with her new album “Songs of the Heart”, this tour is a Give Back tour giving back to ministries and missions doing God’s Kingdom work. Check out her music on your favorite streaming app.

Audio MP3: 
